
You've got it installed, but how to use it.

Redis Sniffer binds to a network interface and analyzes the traffic that is crossing the interface on the specified port.

At the most basic level using Redis Sniffer is extremely simple.

redis-sniffer -i <interface> -p <port>
# example
redis-sniffer -i eth0 -p 6379

This will cause all redis events going across eth0 on port 6379 to be logged. When used without the '--out' flag, Redis Sniffer will log to the current working directory. Below are some examples of other options that can be used and their affect.

# log all redis traffic on port 6379 crossing bond0 interface and have the logs written to the /var/log/redis-sniffer folder
redis-sniffer -i bond0 -p 6379 --out /var/log/redis-sniffer

# log only select redis commands; -f allows a comma separated list of redis commands to log.  when using the -f flag, each command specified will be logged to a seperate file
redis-sniffer -i bond0 -p 6379 --out /var/log/redis-sniffer -f select

# other options
-l [full,event,debug] - the level of logging, defaults to full
-el, --event-log - The name of the file that redis events are logged to
-fl, --full-log - The name of the file that all traffic is logged to
--append - a suffix to append to the file names from using filters